Two Prong Three Prong:
Homes built before 1960 often have ungrounded and polarized receptacles. These are two-plug outlets. You cannot change out a two-prong for a three-prong outlet without grounding the receptacle or installing a GFCI protected outlet. Check with a local licensed Electrician or contact your city official for code requirements.
While there is nothing wrong with two prong outlets, it's not a good idea to plug in sensitive electronic equipment such as computers or televisions to an ungrounded outlet, much less appliances that draw a lot of power such as microwaves or newer refrigerators. It's always best to run dedicated circuits for such loads in the home.
When inspecting a home built before 1960 remember to count how many outlets have been swapped out to three prong and note it on the report. Always use a circuit analyser to find false grounds and shared neutrals. Most electrical products on the market today are double insulated and offer extra protection from electrical shock and grounding issues.