8:58 AM | Posted in

Sewer scope:
Still not a popular thing in the California housing market yet. We have done video sewer inspections for years. However it's not part of a general home inspection. Many plumbing contractors offer this services for a fee, from $200 -$400 depending on length of line and accessibility. But how important is it? Well when you consider that the average services call to clear a drain runs $50 to $100. Couple that with clogs on a monthly bases and it adds up quick. In California we have earthquakes. We have had many earthquakes. This alone would be reason enough to get the sewer line scoped. Another reason is tree roots. When a sewer line cracks it allows tree roots in infiltrate the line causing clogs and sewer backups. Other things that can cause a sewer line to become damaged would be heavy landscaping, over watering of the yard and city works of improvement in the street near the curb.

Here is a good testimonial on why you should have your sewer scoped.

Just as getting a home inspection is important for countless reasons so is a sewer line inspection. There are several companies in who only perform these inspections and not the repairs.
When we purchased our home in Corona California it was beautiful. It was only 5 year old. But shortly after moving in we started to have issues with the sewer backing up. Come to find out that the sewer line was damaged by heavy equipment used to build the pool in the back yard. Had I paid $225 to David Home Inspection "homeinspectionservices.org"for the sewer scope to begin with I would have saved the $4,635 in repairs, permits and landscape repairs. Scope before you close so you can go back to the negotiating table with all parties concerned.

Trisha M Trask
Dhi Client

