9:36 AM | Posted in

Caulk Your Tub, Look At This Damage

Los Angeles Home Inspector warns. Water damage is more about what you can't see. Take a look at these pictures. Here is a picture of a common tub one would find at any home inspection. There were signs that a shower door had been removed at some point. What is hard to see is that the tub was not level. A good home inspector will check if the tub is installed correctly. Your inspector should also stand in the tub to insure the floor below is not soft or spongy.

David Home Inspection Services

We did and here is what we found. The wood subfloor below the tub area is where the deferred maintenance has taken it's toll. We found severe damage to the floor boards and floor joist. This is a costy repair. The tub and tile will need to be removed in order to make the needed repairs. However our client had planed a complete bath remodel. The floor repair will add to the budget.

David Home Inspection Services

Below more visiable water damage to the subfloor

David Home Inspection Services

David Home Inspection Services


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